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Saturday, June 18, 2005

Glieder Downloader, Oscarbot-B & Doyorg, Botnet

Identity: Glieder Downloader

There is a new attack, which has appeared in the past few days, considers
three different pieces of malware. This attack turns PCs into zombies. The
attack is known as Glieder downloader. This Glieder downloader is a version of
Bagle worm. This makes a compatible co-operation with other attacks.

Computers affected by this attack lose their anti-virus and firewall security
systems and become remote controlled zombies. This results in huge cyberattacks.
There have been eight various assistants of the Glieder, which have been found
one by one. This attack also causes the speed of computer systems.

Once the Glieder attacks any computer, it gradually starts to take the
computer to a website, which downloads a Trojan called Fantibag. This Trojan
affects the networking features of the computer. After downloading the Fantibag
Trojan, the Glieder invites the Mitglieder Trojan. This Mitglieder Trojan stops
all the firewalls and anti-viruses functions and creates a back door to help the
hackers to operate the system.

Experts suggest avoiding opening any executable file coming in any email, to
get prevented from this attack.

Identity: Oscarbot-B & Doyorg

There is a new worm called “Oscarbot-B” and “Doyorg” spreading these days.
The main targets of this worm are all the users of AOL’s instant messaging
software. This worm is named by some anti-virus companies.

This is a Malware, which works with Windows. The function of this Malware is
to hijack the list of the contacts of the people using AOL Instant Messaging
Software. When a user opens a window with any one of his contacts, this Malware
comes up and says "Hey check this out". It also provides a link and as the link
is clicked, the person becomes affected by the Malware.

The only way suggested by the experts to avoid this Malware is to not open
the IM unless needed and not to click on the link comes up saying the same.

Identity: Botnet

There is a new attack called botnet. This botnet attack uses the websites and
takes the command of the website. It also attacks DNS server and the IP address
of the system. Earlier Botnet used to pop a window. The window looked very
friendly and harmless. It used to ask your bank account information and put the
infection into the system, once the information is provided. That was the time
when the Botnet did not attack the DNS server and the IP addresses of any

This Botnet attack causes the distribution of the Spam, targeting the network
system and capturing the passwords etc. Experts may be able to make a dent in
the problem by intercepting and redirecting malicious DNS traffic on their
network, so that requests for a malicious site are cut off.

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